
Videoskin is an advertising format whose video runs without audio in a loop in the background of the page. After hovering the mouse cursor over the sides or area of ​​the leader, it moves the content of the page and thus brings the video to the forefront.

Example of creative

Example of creative serving on – HERE

Example of creative serving on – HERE

Technical parameters

Videoskin Detail
Video 720p (1280x720px)
Max. length of video 3 minutes
Optional Color of background (in HEX code)



  • The creative has a display frequency limit of 2x per user per day.
  • The video runs without sound in a loop in the background of the page, only the user action goes to the foreground.
  • he mouseover on the sides or in the leader area starts a 3sec counter in the leader, then the content of the page is moved, the video is displayed in full without interruption. The close button also appears. After closing the video, restarting the ilayer on the same page view is prevented.
  • URL for click-through (including metrics, if available) and external impression tracking code, if is required, please send along with your files.
  • By changing the Autoplay Policy in the main browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, …) the default setting is that the sound is muted.